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Kai Cenat: Twitch Ban Scare Over Fireworks Prank Incident

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Kai Cenat startled his fans on July 3rd after he and Mr. Monster joined up for a live firecrackers that apparently went cleared out.

Kai Cenat had his celebrated amusement room filled with firecrackers, and his companion, gamer AMP Davis, set fire to a box, which caused the firecrackers to be set off.

A picture at that point circulated online, apparently appearing the streamer's whole domestic alight…but it was afterward uncovered that Mr. Monster made a copy room to set on fire as portion of a trick.

Talking to his supporters, Kai uncovered that Jerk were despondent approximately the trick and nearly kicked him off the stage.

“They told us ASAP, able to get prohibited for blowing it up. We didn't know this entire time,” he said.

He proceeded, “That's why the VOD went down. In the event that anybody went to check the VOD, the VOD vanished. I was on the skirt of getting prohibited. I had to rush up and tell my rep–the individuals that speak to me on Twitch–I had to appear them everything, I had to appear them the full set.”

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